Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Reversal Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, AIDS, Hepatitis, and other Chronic Illness |
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Helping people take charge of their health |
Natural Non-Drug Cures - Non-Toxic Natural Therapies That Work,
Without Drugs These short, concise, Therapy Guides describe the life-saving recovery and reversal regimens in detail. The regimens have no adverse side effects. They are based on clinical research, and the principle that the human body can heal itself, given the right natural raw materials. And they work. The regimens are based on therapeutic doses of natural, food-derived components. They do not contain exotic or synthetic chemicals, products with strange names, hormones, or remedies sold by Multi-Level Marketers (MLMs). I have based the information in these Therapy Guides on the research and clinical work published by some of the world's foremost natural health experts: Matthias Rath, Linus Pauling, Hugh Riordan, Robert Cathcart, Ian Brighthope, Michael Murray, Julian Whitaker, Carl Pfeiffer, Andrew Stoll, and others. To download a natural therapy and treatment guide, please click here. Click below for more information on:
Links to the rest of the information on this page: Conventional medicine does not provide answers
Conventional medicine does not provide answers Perhaps you've experienced this yourself. The doctor tells you that you have cancer, or you have heart disease, or you have AIDS or hepatitis C or some other chronic illness. If you have cancer, he says that he may be able extend your life for a few years or a few months by using surgery and/or chemotherapy and/or radiation. If you have heart disease, he says that you'll need coronary bypass surgery or angioplasty and a raft of drugs. If you have AIDS, he says you'll need to start taking anti-viral medicines and stay on them for the rest of your life. He can't predict how long you will live. If you have hepatitis C, he says you'll need to take expensive, debilitating drugs for a year, and your chances are about 50-50. Conventional therapies for chronic illnesses are expensive, temporary, and often ineffective. They may delay the illness or reduce the symptoms, but often with debilitating "side effects." The doctor does not tell you that the side effects of pharmaceutical medications are the fifth largest cause of death in the United States. But he discounts alternative natural therapies, telling you that there is no scientific evidence supporting them. Do you accept his verdict?
There Are Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies and Treatments for Chronic Illness and Health Maintenance Doctors are mistaken when they discount alternative, natural therapies. You do have an alternative. Life-saving natural therapies are not just possibilities or exotic research. They are effective, safe remedies based on sound biological science and testing, developed by some of the world's foremost medical researchers. Natural therapies have enabled thousands of people like you to overcome chronic illnesses and life-threatening diseases, safely and naturally, and with no side effects. They are genuine alternatives to drugs, radiation, and surgery, and can be effective even after conventional medical treatment has failed. How is this possible? In the last twenty years, some medical researchers have found the root causes of many chronic diseases, the mechanism by which they spread, and derive natural therapies from this knowledge of root causes. For example, Dr. Matthias Rath worked with Linus Pauling in the discovery of the cause of heart disease. After Pauling died at the age of ninety-three, Rath continued this research, and also found the primary mechanism by which cancer and other diseases progress. Further, he discovered that certain natural, food-derived supplements could be used as an effective therapy and treatment for these illnesses. Naively, he presented his findings to the pharmaceutical industry to convince them to manufacture natural therapies based on his findings. Their response was exactly the opposite of what he had hoped: They considered his therapies a threat to their profits.
ALERTS: Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes. and Severe Hypoglycemia are caused by cardiovascular disease Please do not take statin drugs. They will kill you! Could Vitamin C stop the Ebola epidemic? The Six Stages of Cardiovascular Disease Do SSRI Anti-Depressants and Other Drugs Contribute To School Massacres? Avoid Genetically Modified Foods! Please do not take Lipitor or other Statin Drugs - Take This Safe Alternative! Just say NO to "therapies" that tell you not to take vitamin C! Recover From Statin Drug Side Effects Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Miscarriage! Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is Toxic - Please Don't Use It! Thinking about getting an HIV Test? Click Here! Avoid the Flu Vaccines - they have Thimerosal! If you have the flu, this regimen could save your life! Avoid (and Eradicate) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)! Glenn Beck and Goldline - is this a good deal for buying gold? Social Security Trust Fund Looted! 40 Million People Harmed by Statins - Are You One Of Them? If you have aggressive or terminal cancer, try this naturopathic clinic! Prepare for Influenza, Don't Vaccinate! The Story of Paul Kraus and his fight against mesothelioma
Kids used for |
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Drug companies are not interested in natural therapies
The pharmaceutical industry does not acknowledge
natural therapies because these therapies are based on simple, readily
available nutritional supplements. Unlike complex biotech
medicines, natural therapies cannot be patented or sold
for a large profit. Physicians do not know about these
therapies because they get most of their medical
information from drug company reports and new product
brochures. Even the NIH is influenced by the drug companies. As a
result, almost no money is spent on natural therapy
research. The media does not promote natural therapies
because they do not provide advertising revenue. Even many
alternative health providers do not know about them. What makes these natural therapies different? The components of the natural therapies described on this website were developed by board-certified research and clinical physicians dedicated to alternative medicine. Their research is described in detail in published journal or conference articles. They are scientifically tested and shown to be effective against chronic diseases. There are no "secret" ingredients. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, these therapies are designed to help your body to fight disease and recover - to rebuild your immune system and to enable your body to repair and replace diseased tissue. You may use these therapies whether or not you have already used conventional medical treatment. You do not need to purchase rare or exotic substances. You do not need to drink gallons of vegetable or fruit juice. You do not need to travel to Mexico, Bermuda, China, or Switzerland. You may easily get the nutritional supplements that they require, since they are available at natural food stores, vitamin stores, and websites.
Information on Natural Therapies and Treatments I offer these therapies in the form of free, compact, easy-to-read natural therapy and treatment guides that provide you with all the information you need to start using the therapy immediately: dosages, step-by-step instructions, where you can get the nutritional supplements, and safe testing protocols to monitor your progress. You may find out more about natural healing by selecting any of the following links:
Select a link that interests you. Natural therapy /treatment guides - inexpensive, compact, easy-to-read guides providing complete information on therapies for chronic illness and regimens to maintain health. Environmental research – providing data about toxic effects of chemicals and other pollutants in the home, workplace, and community. I also maintain ToxicAlert, a public service environmental information website. Health research – finding additional information specific to an individual’s particular concerns about illness or wellness.
Links to other natural healing websites There are hundreds of websites with information about natural healing and medicine, but few of them are really worth a visit. The following are links to a few that are truly worthwhile.
Dr. Michael
Murray's Natural Medicine website
The human body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. The cells and their supporting structures are all in a continual process of growth, destruction, replication, and renewal. Self-healing is at the basis of what are called natural remedies or natural therapies. These remedies, which are based on nutrients and extracts derived from food sources or common medicinal plants, correct the nutritional deficiencies that are at the basis of many chronic illnesses. Such illness begins as a chemical or biological toxic assault or nutrient deficiency at the cellular level. We experience chronic illness – organ failure or immune system collapse – when millions of cells are affected and do not function properly. For example, in heart disease the heart muscle does not receive adequate nutrition because the coronary artery has become clogged. In order to restore health, natural remedies restore proper cellular function, or help the body isolate and replace cells that have gone awry, by supplying very large quantities of the nutrients that the cells need. Natural remedies concentrate vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other healing substances in the form of extracts, tablets, or capsules. Thus they flood the cells with nutrients that we normally receive from our food in much smaller quantities. These concentrated nutrients then provide the proper environment for healing to take place. Taken in the proper dosage, they are safer than pharmaceutical drugs because they are derived from food sources, and they have no health-threatening side effects. Groundbreaking research into developing natural therapies for our most serious of chronic diseases – cardiovascular disease, cancer, and destructive viral diseases such as AIDS – has been accomplished by researchers devoted to public health rather than profitable new drugs. Doctors and scientists such as Linus Pauling, Matthias Rath, Hugh Riordan, Robert Cathcart, Ian Brighthope, Julian Whitaker, Michael Murray, and Joseph Pizzorno, as well as "untrained" pioneers such as Lloyd Wright (who cured himself of "incurable" hepatitis C) have contributed critical knowledge about overcoming chronic disease and restoring health. I offer these therapies in the form of inexpensive, compact, easy-to-read natural therapy guides that provide you with all the information you need: dosages, step-by-step instructions, where you can get the the nutritional supplements, and safe testing protocols to monitor your progress. You can click here to order a Natural Therapy guide.
Natural Therapies - Fact, Fiction, or Fraud? Dozens of so-called natural therapies for cancer, AIDS, and heart disease are advertised on the Internet. There is even an ebook advertised that claims to help you find which ones work for cancer. Whom do you trust? How do you know which ones really work and which ones are hopes, dreams, or scams? You can actually figure this out yourself using some simple guidelines: 1. Look for citations to articles written in real medical journals or presented at scientific conferences that show how and why the therapy works. Even though the medical establishment doesn't like natural therapies, there are professional medical journals devoted to alternative medicine, such as the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. 2. Look for scientific explanations that you can understand and make sense to you. Don't accept claims which sound weird, such as "making your blood alkaline stops cancer" or "parasites are the cause of all disease" or "a simple electronic device can measure whether you have AIDS" or "this is the cure for all diseases." 3. Look for therapies that do not require you to travel to other countries. Many so-called "alternative cancer clinics" that cannot help you but will take your money are located in countries like Mexico, where the standards for medical care are poor. 4. Look for therapies that have documented evidence that they work. There should be Ultrafast CT scans, blood tests, MRIs, and biopsies before and after treatment, proving that people who have been treated really had the disease and were tested afterwards by standard medical practices to verify that the therapy was successful. 5. Look for therapies that have no "secret" ingredients. Reputable medical researchers and clinicians dedicated to fight disease make their discoveries public knowledge. Click here for a review of some popular therapies that probably don't work. The Natural Therapies described here are proven The natural therapies described on this website were developed by board-certified research and clinical physicians dedicated to alternative medicine. They are described in detail in published journal or conference articles. (Some of these are listed at the end of this web page. Click here to view them.) The therapies do not require travel to foreign countries. There is published evidence of pre-treatment diagnosis by standard medical procedures, post-treatment testing, and patient follow-up. There are no secret ingredients.
These natural therapies are not known by most physicians or the general public because the primary source of information about health is the pharmaceutical industry, which has no incentive to publicize non-patentable, natural remedies or cures. By their control of the media through advertising and public relations, and by sponsoring walks and campaigns (and even U.S. Postage stamps) devoted to "finding a cure" (for cancer, heart disease, AIDS, etc.) the drug companies tell us over and over again that no cure or effective therapies have yet been found, even though this is not the case. Doctors are literally barraged each day with drug company reports and free samples. They are told repeatedly that natural therapies aren't proven or don't work. Meanwhile, we are treated to advertisements for expensive new chemical "remedies" on television and in virtually every newspaper and magazine in the United States, so that we know which drugs to ask for from our doctors. The conventional treatments for chronic illnesses do not generally cure or prevent these illnesses, but instead call for dangerous surgery, expensive palliative (symptom-relieving) maintenance drugs, radiation, or toxic chemicals that destroy the immune system and inhibit healing. These palliative and/or toxic therapies represent hundreds of billions of dollars per year in drug company revenue. Thus cheap, non-patentable natural remedies and cures represent a major threat to these companies.
How Natural Therapies Heal Chronic Illnesses The human body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. The cells and their supporting structures are all in a continual process of growth, destruction, replication, and renewal. Self-healing is at the basis of what are called natural remedies or natural therapies. These remedies, which are based on nutrients and extracts derived from food sources or common medicinal plants, correct the nutritional deficiencies that are at the basis of many chronic illnesses. Such illness begins as a chemical or biological toxic assault or nutrient deficiency at the cellular level. We experience chronic illness – organ failure or immune system collapse – when millions of cells are affected and do not function properly. For example, in heart disease the heart muscle does not receive adequate nutrition because the coronary artery has become clogged. In order to restore health, natural remedies restore proper cellular function, or help the body isolate and replace cells that have gone awry, by supplying very large quantities of the nutrients that the cells need. Natural remedies concentrate vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other healing substances in the form of extracts, tablets, or capsules. Thus they flood the cells with nutrients that we normally receive from our food in much smaller quantities. These concentrated nutrients then provide the proper environment for healing to take place. Taken in the proper dosage, they are generally safer than pharmaceutical drugs because they are derived from food sources, and they have fewer side effects.
The following are cases of some of Jonathan Campbells successes in helping people (including himself) overcome chronic illness. People's last names are not given for reasons of confidentiality. Dennis F., a motorcycle mechanic, was disabled with heart insufficiency. After taking the Natural Cardiovascular Therapy regimen for several months, Dennis was able to resume his work as a mechanic. Within a year after starting the regimen, he was "running around like a kid again" and enjoying life. He has no signs of cardio disease. Trinette G., a 20-year-old student, had been in and out of hospitals for several years with chronic pneumonia. Each time she was provided with bed rest and antibiotics and sent home. Within a few weeks, she was ill again; her cough was incessant. She finally developed severe chest pain. Jonathan learned that she had never taken any vitamin C she had been severely deficient for nearly a decade. Based on his research on immune disorders, Jonathan asked her whether she had ever been exposed to mold. She remembered that the dance studio in Florida where she had practiced as a young teen was severely contaminated with mold, and that several of her friends had died of lung disease. Administration of several courses of vitamin C intravenous infusions at a local health center followed by an intensive immune-building oral regimen of vitamins and minerals allowed this young woman to overcome her chest pain and near-continuous pneumonia, which her doctors finally surmised had been caused by aspergillosis, a life-threatening fungal infection. Mary H., a girl age 6, had serious asthma that was interfering with her sleep. Her doctor prescribed steriods, which have extremely serious health effects, especially for a growing child. Her mother contacted Jonathan, and he suggested that she provide her with an anti-inflammatory diet with nutritional supplementation to reduce histamine and leukotriene production. She reported to me several months later that her daughters asthma was under control without steroids. At M Corporation, a small software engineering company in Waltham, Massachusetts, Jonathan counseled the entire staff to use high-dosage immune-enhancing therapeutic supplements to reduce absenteeism and illness during an intensive software production schedule. Those who followed his advice reported that their own rate and severity of illness and days lost had been dramatically reduced. One young man, a marathon runner, was able to run in a 10-kilometer race despite having a cold; he attributed his ability to do so to the supplementation regimen. In 1999, at the age of 53, Jonathan himself overcame and healed a crippling herniated disc using nutritional therapy and a common-sense regimen of chiropractic care and exercise. A year later he climbed Mt. Washington wearing a 25-pound backpack. He has no pain or any lasting effects of the herniation. Bill E, who had had a stroke and serious cardiovascular disease, reported that, after one and a half years on the natural cardiovascular regimen, that a scan of his heart had yielded a calcium plaque score of zero. His cardiovascular disease had been completely reversed.
A Natural Therapy for Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol High cholesterol counts, high blood pressure (hypertension), cerebral vascular disease, and what is commonly called "heart disease," coronary artery disease or, in advanced cases, congestive heart failure, are just various aspects and progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In the early 1990's, two prominent medical researchers - Dr. Matthias Rath and Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling worked together and discovered both the root cause of cardiovascular disease and a natural therapy for it. Their research, and the regimen subsequently enhanced by Rath, form the basis for this therapy. Since this natural therapy addresses the root cause of cardiovascular disease, it is effective for heart disease, angina, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure (hypertension), cerebral vascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, recovery from stroke, and the cardiovascular complications of diabetes. The therapy effectively normalizes and balances cholesterol counts with no dangerous side effects. To learn more about the Natural Cardiovascular Therapy click here. To order the Natural Cardiovascular Therapy online click here.
Cancer can be stopped, safely and naturally, without surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. The Natural Cancer Therapy is a proven, complete, natural regimen which stops the spread of the cancerous lesion, selectively targets the cancer cells, provides reinforcement to your immune system to isolate and remove them, and helps your body to heal and replace the diseased tissue. You can use this therapy whether or not you have previously undergone conventional cancer treatment. Since this natural therapy inhibits the common mechanism used by all cancers to spread, and safely and selectively targets cancerous cells, it is effective for all cancers. Cancer is no longer a death sentence, but an ordinary disease. To read more about the Natural Cancer Therapy click here. To order the Natural Cancer Therapy online click here.
If you have been diagnosed with AIDS or have tested positive to the HIV test, you need to know the truth about AIDS. See my new article: http://www.healthy-again.net/aids.htm. You should also be aware that the AIDS drugs and "cocktails" are extremely toxic, and do not extend life expectancy. There is evidence to indicate that these drugs are actually the cause of AIDS progression in many cases. To learn more about the Natural Therapy for AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) & Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS) click here. This is a complete natural regimen which provides the nutrients for detoxification and enhancement of the immune system to stop AIDS progression. To order the Natural Therapy for AIDS, CFS, & CFIDS online (free for download) click here.
The pharmaceutical industry has spent billions of dollars to convince women that so-called hormone replacement therapy, begun even before menopause, is good for their health. In the first place, the term "hormone replacement" is misleading, since one cannot really replace the hormones of a woman with those of a horse. (Pharmaceutical estrogens are derived from the urine of pregnant mares.) Second, it has already been demonstrated that taking pharmaceutical hormones increases the risks of heart disease and breast cancer, and it has not been proven that the new lower dose drug is really safe. Third, not all women need estrogens. Many experience a decline in other hormones. So prescribing a one-size-fits-all remedy does not necessarily make the menopausal transition any easier. Menopause is not a disease, and there is no need for drugs to "treat" it. Some women pass through it with no problems at all. For others there are very effective natural remedies that can stop hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, and other difficulties. As for the health hazards that pharmaceutical hormones are supposed to prevent - osteoporosis and heart disease - there are vitamin and mineral supplements that do the job very well and without harmful side effects. To learn more about the natural way to pass easily through the menopausal transition click here. To order the booklet, Approaching Menopause Naturally: A Woman's Perspective, by Madeleine Cousineau, click here.
Hepatitis A, B, and C are widespread and virulent liver diseases which is deadly if not properly treated. Doctors and the pharmaceutical industry have no reliable medication for this disease. Instead, they prescribe an extremely expensive combination of exotic drugs - interferon and ribavirin - which only temporarily suppress the virus, and then only in less than one-half of patients, while leaving them with horrific side effects. The natural hepatitis regimen I recommend is based on the natural therapies developed by hepatitis researchers and patients who have completely and successfully cured themselves of this deadly ailment, integrated with the most recent research on viral replication inhibition and immune enhancement. To order the Natural Therapy for Hepatitis online click here
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is now recognized by many researchers as caused by immune dysfunction, rendering the immune system vulnerable for opportunistic infection by other latent viruses (such as Epstein-Barr), funguses (such as aspergillus and candida), and bacteria. Many CFS victims suffer CFIDS, a life-threatening immune syndrome similar to AIDS. Click here to read about the Natural Therapy for AIDS, CFS & CFIDS. These therapies provide nutrients that stop viral replication and restore and enhance the immune system to enable it to isolate and remove the viruses and other infective agents. To order the Natural Therapy for AIDS, CFS, and CFIDS online, click here.
Natural Strategies for Mental Disorders Mental Illness affects tens of millions of people in the US and hundreds of millions of people worldwide. The stresses of work, family, society, and just plain surviving take their toll; personal trauma can lead our lives to spin out of control. Many turn to pharmaceutical medications that can have serious side effects. Medical researchers have found vast differences in the prevalence of mental disorders in various societies around the world, even when comparing stressful modern industrial societies. What's the difference? Their conclusion has been that the dietary habits and physical environments of western societies leave us deficient in certain essential nutrients and exposed to chemicals that are toxic to brain cells. Relating it back to brain physiology, these deficiencies and toxic chemicals can lead to unhealthy changes in neurotransmission, making it more difficult for us to deal with stresses of everyday life, let alone more profound problems. The result: depression, anxiety, and more serious disorders. The answer is not more drugs. It is a comprehensive program to restore proper nutrient balance and provide detoxification. Recent research shows that even schizophrenia, the most profound and mysterious of psychotic illnesses, is caused by a genetically-induced nutrient deficiency that can be alleviated through nutrition. Click here to read my report on this research. Natural Strategies for Mental Disorders provides a nutritional supplementation and detoxification program that provides the basis for restoring brain health, natural therapy strategies for the major mental disorders, and discussion of complementary therapies. To order Natural Strategies for Mental disorders online click here.
Natural Therapy for Sexual Dysfunction The vast majority of sexual dysfunction - especially impotence and erectile dysfunction in men and sensitivity dysfunction in women - is caused by inadequate blood flow: atherosclerosis of the arteries feeding the sex organs. Pharmaceutical drugs such as blood pressure medications, anti-depressants, statins, and acid reflux drugs compound the problem by weakening muscles and disrupting nutrient metabolism. Natural Strategies for Sexual Dysfunction provides you with an effective regimen for reversing atherosclerosis (cardiovascular disease) as well as strategies for getting off the pharmaceutical drug treadmill. Once your blood flow is back to normal and you are free of drug side-effects, you can begin to enjoy sex again without Viagra, Cialis, or other expensive and dangerous pills. Since this natural therapy addresses the root cause of cardiovascular disease, it is also effective for heart disease, angina, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure (hypertension), cerebral vascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, recovery from stroke, and the cardiovascular complications of diabetes. To order Natural Strategies for Sexual Dysfunction online click here.
Other Chronic Diseases and Afflictions I can help you to find natural therapies to address a wide range of problems. Click here to contact me and start on the road to health.
100% Health - A Natural Regimen For Maintaining Health Keeping yourself and your family healthy is not an easy matter. We live in an age in which most jobs do not involve physical exercise. Our food is not as nutritious as it once was, due to depleted soils and pesticide residue. The air we breathe often has pollution from municipal incinerators, automobile exhaust, factories, or furnace chimneys. New and more virulent influenza viruses are prevalent, and we are exposed to them every day. Tens of thousands of elderly people and young children die each year from influenza. Even if you now maintain a fairly healthy exercise and diet routine you may sometimes feel run-down, get ill during colder months, and miss work. If you have children, they are constantly exposed to illness at school or day-care facilities. Additionally, heart disease appears to be universal. Even Jim Fixx, the legendary health and exercise guru, died of heart failure at a young age, while exercising. In 1955, the Marine Corps found that heart disease was almost universal among young soldiers killed in combat in the Korean War. Forty years later, doctors involved in the Bogalusa Heart Study found the same results: most children have some level of heart disease (coronary artery blockage) by the time they reach age 12! The missing piece what can be done to prevent, stop, and treat these almost-universal afflictions was discovered by Linus Pauling, Ph.D. and Matthias Rath. M.D. in the early nineties. They found that the solution was enhancing our diets with some simple, concentrated nutrients. I can provide you with a wellness regimen that you can tailor to your individual needs and your current health the information you need to maintain or improve your health, for children or adults at any age. This wellness regimen provides powerful resistance to colds and flu, enhances circulation and heart strength, and increases stamina. It is completely natural, and it is safe, and effective. Integral in this regimen are the nutrients to protect you from cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. Also included in this guide is an acute illness regimen to use in case you or someone in your family gets a virulent cold or influenza. To order the Natural Regimen for Maintaining Health online (free for download) click here.
In recent years there have been claims that silver fights germs and enhances health. It was marketed as "phyto-silver" (as in the product previously sold by Seasilver USA until 2003, when the Federal Trade Commission cracked down), colloidal silver, metallic silver, and silver salts. The best advice on this subject comes from Dr. Andrew Weil, who suggests, "Keep your silver in your pocket." However, ingesting silver does more than waste your money. For more than 40 years we have known that silver is a proven cancer-causing agent. Metallic silver is listed in the 1979 Registry of Toxic Effects as causing cancer in animals. Claims that it is safe have come primarily from the companies that make silver products – hardly a trustworthy source of unbiased information. Silver in any form is a bio-accumulative toxic heavy metal, like mercury, lead, and arsenic. Its action as an antibiotic comes from the fact that it is a non-selective toxic "biocide." This means that it kills life – both germs and you! For further information, go to the Health Alert Silver page.
You don't need Lipitor, Zocor, or other statin drugs, beta blockers, or calcium channel blockers. Natural therapies can normalize your cholesterol and/or high blood pressure, while gently healing your arteries and removing plaque. Furthermore, Lipitor is dangerous. Numerous reports have implicated it as a possible cause for severe neuromuscular degeneration. Some people who have been using Lipitor for as little as two weeks are reporting muscle weakness and pain, and longer-term users report symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis or ALS - Lou Gehrig's Disease - in which they are losing neuromuscular control of their bodies. Others have reported serious liver or kidney damage, or loss of muscle mass (rhabdomyolysis). For
further information on Lipitor, click here.
I am a
health consultant who can help you to heal or prevent chronic health
problems by offering guidance with natural therapies through health
guides that I offer on this website free for download.. For more than
twenty-five years I have been sharing information about remedies for
heart disease and other chronic illnesses, as well as environmental
toxins, with individuals and organizations. Since 1995 I have maintained
a public service website on health and environmental issues and
alternative means of dealing with them (see Health
Alert and Toxic Alert)
Natural Therapy and Health Maintenance Guides The Natural Therapy and Health Maintenance guides described below are available free for download. For a description of each guide, plus ordering information, click here.
What is a natural health consultant? A natural health consultant is a guide who provides information about natural therapies for chronic illnesses and exposure to environmental toxins. He or she is not a physician and does not offer medical diagnoses or treatments, but rather gives a client the understanding of medical diagnoses and natural remedies, and thus provides the means for making truly informed decisions about health issues.
People often feel disempowered within the mainstream health care system, and sometimes in the alternative health care system as well. Mainstream physicians receive most of their information on disease from the pharmaceutical industry, and more often than not your are just given a prescription for the latest drug (sometimes to counteract the side effects of the previous drug). These drugs are usually palliative (symptom-relieving) rather than curative, and they often have toxic side effects. Even most alternative medical practitioners do not have the research knowledge necessary to address chronic illness, because the natural therapies for these illnesses are not well known or widely published in the naturopathic literature. Thus they refer you to mainstream physicians to solve the problem. Or worse, they convince the you to accept your illness and merely address its symptoms. Taking charge of your health means having the information that you need to understand your illness and making choices about natural treatment and maintaining wellness. I provide you with information and suggestions about proven natural therapies and how they address your illness, advises you about how to talk with your physician, and provides referrals to alternative practitioners for complementary care, if needed. His goal is to empower you to be in control of your own health decisions.
Disclaimer: Jonathan Campbell is a health and environment researcher and consultant. He is not a physician, and the information, suggestions, and recommendations that he provides are not prescriptions. When you pursue alternative remedies, you are taking full responsibility for your own health decisions, and it is recommended that you consult with a qualified physician to monitor your progress. This is especially the case if you currently take pharmaceutical drugs, as your dosage requirements will likely change as your body heals. Many patients have used a subset of the therapeutic supplement regimens described above to successfully treat and reverse their disease conditions. However, it is important also to understand that no therapies, no matter how well tested or proven, can be guaranteed to be effective for every case. Advanced and metastatic cancers, advanced AIDS, and advanced cardiovascular disease sometimes completely destroy tissue and essential organs vital for life, and no therapy, no matter how effective, can reverse this destruction. Brighthope I, Fitzgerald P, The AIDS Fighters, Keats Publishing, 1987 Knox KK, Carrigan DR, Active HHV-6 infection in the lymph nodes of HIV infected patients: In vitro evidence that HHV-6 can break HIV latency. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 1996; 11:370-378. Murray M, Pizzorno J: Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine 1998. Netke S, Ivanov V, Roomi W, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M: Inhibitory effects of ascorbic acid, proline and lysine supplementation on Matrigel invasion by human breast cancer cells, MDA-MB231. Presented at the 19th Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference, Miami, FL, February 2002. Niendorf A, Rath M, Wolf K, Peters S, Arps H, Beisiegel U and Dietel M: Morphological detection and quantification of lipoprotein(a) deposition in atheromatous lesions of human aorta and coronary arteries. Virchow's Archiv A Pathol. Anat. 1990;417:105-111. Ostrom, N, America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic and Its Link to AIDS, That New Magazine; ISBN: 0962414239; October 1993 Pauling L.: Case report: Lysine/ascorbate-related amelioration of angina pectoris. J. Orthomolecular Med.1991; 6: 144-146. Rath M, Pauling L.: Hypothesis: Lipoprotein(a) is a surrogate for ascorbate. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1990; 87: 6204-6207 Rath M, Pauling L.: Immunological evidence for the accumulation of lipoproptein(a) in the atherosclerotic lesion of the hypoascorbemic guinea pig. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1990; 87: 9388-9390 Rath M, Pauling L.: Solution to the Puzzle of Human Cardiovascular Disease: Its Primary Cause is Ascorbate Deficiency Leading to the Deposition of Lipoprotein(a) and Fibrinogen/Fibrin in the Vascular Wall. J. Orthomolecular Med. 1991; 6: 125-134. Rath M: Cellular Health Series: Cancer. MR Publishing, Inc, Santa Clara, CA, February 2001 Rath M: Cellular Health Research Series: Cancer Research Breakthrough - Vitamin C, lysine, proline, and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) prevent the the spread of cancer by inhibiting matrix metalloproteinases. February 2002. Riordan N.H., Riordan H.D., Jackson J.A., Casciari JP: Clinical and Experimental Experiences with Intravenous Vitamin C, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (2000) 15: 4, 201-213 Starfield B: Is US health really the best in the world? Journal of the American Medical Association 2000 July 26; 284(4): 483-485, cited at http://www.drugintel.com, Coalition for Safer Medicines. SarsTravel.com, a collection of articles exposing the SARS controversy.
Key Words: cardiovascular disease: heart disease, cerebral vascular insufficiency, cardiac artery disease, congestive heart failure, angina, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia, high blood pressure, hypertension, cerebral vascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, stroke, recovery from stroke, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular complications of diabetes, CVD, CVA, CAD, CHF, TIA, SVR, PVD, PVR, PVD, angioplasty, coronary bypass surgery alternative health: health consultant, alternative therapy, alternative treatment, natural cure, natural treatment, natural healing, natural remedy, natural therapy, wellness regimens, natural medicine, alternative medicine, orthomolecular medicine cancer: natural cancer therapy, natural cancer treament, natural cancer remedy, natural cancer regimen, natural cancer cure, alternative cancer therapy, alternative cancer treatment, alternative cancer remedy, orthomolecular oncology, natural oncology, alternative oncology cardiovascular disease: natural heart disease therapy, natural heart disease treatment, natural heart disease regimen, natural heart disease remedy, alternative heart disease therapy, alternative heart disease treatment, alternative heart disease remedy AIDS: natural AIDS therapy, natural AIDS treatment, natural AIDS regimen, natural AIDS remedy, alternative AIDS therapy, alternative AIDS treatment, alternative AIDS remedy, HIV, HHV-6A, AZT, acquired immune deficiency syndrome hepatitis: natural hepatitis therapy, natural hepatitis treatment, natural hepatitis regimen, natural hepatitis remedy, alternative hepatitis therapy, alternative hepatitis treatment, alternative hepatitis remedy mental disorders: natural strategies for: major depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, manic depressive disorder, dysthymia, hypomania, cyclothymia, suicidal ideation, SSRI, 5-HTP, serotonin sexual dysfunction: male erectile dysfunction, impotence other chronic illness: chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS, CFIDS, chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome Conventional cancer therapies: Chemotherapy - intravenous injection of a toxic agent, such as Tamoxifen, into the bloodstream. Chemotherapeutic agents target all fast-growing cells and are toxic to all cells, including those of the immune system, thus leaving the body defenseless and providing the opportunity for cancer reoccurrence. Additionally, these agents are known causes of cancer because they alter DNA. Surgery - direct removal of the cancerous tissue. For breast cancer, the surgeon may remove just the cancerous lesion (lumpectomy) or remove the entire affected breast (mastectomy, masectomy). Surgery may be necessary in some cases, but it often releases cancerous cells into the area of the surgery and into the bloodstream. Radiation - an external source of intense gamma radiation is focused on the area of the tumor. This treatment, like chemotherapy, targets all fast-growing cells, but kills other cells indiscriminately. Radiation of this kind is also a cause of cancer, because it alters DNA. Natural therapy for: Adrenocortical
cancer |
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