Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Helping people take charge of their health |
Avoid the Swine Flu Vaccine! The CDC and many local health authorities worldwide are still promoting the Swine Flu vaccine. It is incomprehensible to me why they are doing this, except perhaps to help the vaccine manufacturers. First and foremost, almost all influenza vaccines are preserved with the neurotoxin Thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative proven to cause autism. Why on earth would they do this, given that the vaccine industry has voluntarily removed it from most vaccines? Answer: The CDC does not accept the Thimerosal-autism link, and it makes vaccines cheaper. You can use one large vial for many doses, rather than single-dose vials. Second, this flu vaccine causes miscarriages and stillbirths! See details here: http://www.healthy-again.net/swinefluvaccine.htm Third, Swine Flu appears to be a mild threat, not what it was hyped up to be. Why would you want to take a shot containing neurotoxins and other poisons for what has ended up being the equivalent of a bad cold? Finally, there is a simple, safe, immune-building regimen that you can take for any difficult cold or flu, published here: http://www.healthy-again.net/influenza.htm. This regimen not only helps you stay healthy, but also provides the nutrients you need to make any illness you have short-lived. |
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Campbell. Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health and Recovery Could Vitamin C stop the Ebola epidemic? Diabetes, Pre-diabetes, and Severe Hypoglycemia are 100% corellated to Cardiovascular Disease All health guides are now free for download Lipitor may ruin your health! http://www.healthy-again.net/lipitor.htm Read about Lipitor side effects - http://www.healthy-again.net/lipitor.htm Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Miscarriage: http://www.healthy-again.net/swinefluvaccine.htm Effective Natural Treatment for cancer: http://www.healthy-again.net/cancertherapy.htm Cure - Reverse - Heart Disease: http://www.healthy-again.net Effective Natural Treatment for heart disease: http://www.healthy-again.net/cvd.htm Effective Natural Treatment for hepatitis: http://www.healthy-again.net/hepatitis.htm Colloidal Silver is Toxic - Don't Take It! http://www.healthy-again.net/silver.htm Thinking about getting an HIV Test? Don't! http://www.healthy-again.net/aidtests.htm Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Can Be Avoided! http://www.healthy-again.net/sids.htm What's Wrong With Dricore: http://www.healthy-again.net/homeqa/dricore.htm Reliable Concrete Cutting Massachusetts: http://www.healthy-again.net/homeqa/bcd.htm Looting Social Security - How Reagan and Greenspan Stole the Trust Fund: http://www.thebiglie.net Bauman Remodeling of Dedham, a review: http://www.healthy-again.net/homeqa/contractorfrom.htm Stop Spam - Subscribe to SpamCop - http://www.spamcop.net Reduce The Burden of the HIV and AIDS diagnosis - http://www.reducetheburden.org Quitting AIDS drugs is hard to do - http://www.healthy-again.net/quittingaidsdrugs.htm Danger - Never Get An HIV Test - Ever! http://www.healthy-again.net/aidstests.htm What Is AIDS? http://www.healthy-again.net/aids.htm Healthy-Again Computers - Buying And Maintaining Computer Equipment Why My HP Printer Stopped Working - HP's Business Model |