Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health
and Recovery
Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, and other Chronic Illness
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food.
Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Jonathan Campbell
people take charge of their health |
What is Toxic
Toxic Alert is a public service of Jonathan Campbell, a health
consultant from Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. His mission is to make complex technical information about
health and toxics in our environment so that it is accessible and understandable by most
people, and to provide alternatives and health information so that people can protect
themselves, their families, and their communities.
Along with articles by world-class journalists such as Paul Brodeur,
Bill Ravanesi, Larry Shook, and Tim Connor, much of the information is presented in the
form of short informational documents in simple language. They have been designed to be
usable directly, with little modification, for community public information and
organizing. (See below for more information on Toxic Alert and CQS).
This site also provides a link to community organizations that are
working to improve the environment, and to statewide and national organizations that can
provide information and help.
Toxic Alert Pages - General Information
Toxic Alert Hotlinks
Topics - General
Biotechnology and Genetic
Community Health and
Dioxin and PCBs
Fertilizers - Toxic Waste, Fluorides, &
Hazardous Waste
Newsletter Archives
Nuclear Matters
Pollution - Continual
Releases of Toxic Chemicals
Resources and Survival
Solid Waste (aka Trash)
Landfills, Incineration and Recycling
Sludge and Sewage
Toxic World, Toxic Culture
Why Toxic Alert?
The media tells us that the
environment is getting better, but there is clear evidence that it is not. Literally
hundreds of billions of pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each
year. Cancer has reached epidemic proportions, especially breast cancer for women and
prostate cancer for men. Afflictions such as endometriosis, Attention Deficit Disorder,
and asthma, relatively rare or unknown at the beginning of the century, are now
commonplace. The sperm count among men in the industrialized countries has been cut in
half in the last 30 years. The EPA lists
40,000 Superfund contamination sites nationwide. Our food is routinely sprayed with
pesticides whose safety is in question.
Dioxin, a super-toxic by-product of the incineration of PVC plastic, and
PCBs, used in transformer and compressor motor oils, are everywhere. These are
hormone-disrupting chemicals: they interfere with the sensitive chemical messaging system
in our bodies. They are known to cause cancer and the other afflictions noted above.
We need to do something. But people must understand what is happening
around them before they can take on the polluters, the inertia of U.S. businesses, and the
opposition of the chemical giants. There is a wealth of highly technical papers signaling
the alarm and providing critical information about health and the environment, but little
that can be understood by ordinary folks. Toxic Alert fills this gap. As mentioned above,
the information at this site has been designed so that it is directly usable in public
information campaigns. Organizations and individuals are invited to copy these documents
and use them in their communities.
Note that for the moment, a few of the references are limited to New
England. More states - and countries - will be added as time permits. |
Payment/Donation Request
If you find that the information on this site has provided you
with useful health information, or you would like to contribute to help
the cause of providing this kind of service to people, please consider a modest
payment for these information services.
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Natural Therapy Home Page
Download A Natural Therapy Guide
©Graphics, Web design, and content Copyright 2003-2024 by Jonathan L.
HealthyAgain and HealthyHomes are trademarks of Jonathan L.
Campbell of Massachusetts, as of June 1, 2010
Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health and Recovery
124 Metropolitan Ave.
Roslindale, MA 02131-4208
Could Vitamin C stop the Ebola epidemic?
Pre-diabetes, and Severe Hypoglycemia are 100% corellated to Cardiovascular Disease
All health guides are now
free for download
Now Available For Free
Download: The Looting of Social Security by economist Alan Smith,
Nuclear Emergency and Worldwide Fallout - What To Do?
Has your doctor
prescribed Lipitor or another statin drug? Just say no!
You don't need to take
statin drugs...please don't take them!
Muscle aches, weakness,
numbness, brain fog - have you been harmed by Lipitor?
Can 40 million
people be wrong on Lipitor? Yes they can! http://www.healthy-again.net/wrongonlipitor.htm
Lipitor may ruin your
health! http://www.healthy-again.net/lipitor.htm
Read about Lipitor side
effects - http://www.healthy-again.net/lipitor.htm
If you are seeking a natural therapy, treatment,
remedy, or cure for cancer, heart disease, AIDS, or other chronic
illness: go to http://www.healthy-again.net
Swine Flu Vaccine
Causes Miscarriage: http://www.healthy-again.net/swinefluvaccine.htm
Natural Treatment for cancer: http://www.healthy-again.net/cancertherapy.htm
Cure - Reverse - Heart Disease: http://www.healthy-again.net
Effective Natural
Treatment for heart disease: http://www.healthy-again.net/cvd.htm
Effective Natural
Treatment for hepatitis: http://www.healthy-again.net/hepatitis.htm
Million People Are Being Harmed By Statin Drugs. Are You One Of Them? http://www.healthy-again.net/lipitor.htm
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) Is A Toxic Fraud - Please Don't Take It! http://www.healthy-again.net/mms.htm
Colloidal Silver is Toxic - Don't Take It! http://www.healthy-again.net/silver.htm
"treatments" and "cures" to avoid:
Protocel (also
called Cancell, Cantron, Sheridan's Formula)
Infrared sauna
(especially far infrared, which actually causes cancer)
Cesium therapy
Miracle Mineral
Supplement (MMS)
Zeolite liquid (NCD)
Essiac Tea
Alkaline pH
Coral Calcium
Colloidal Silver
Any treatment
that specifies not to take Vitamin C
"Fruit-only" regimens
Thinking about getting an HIV Test? Don't! http://www.healthy-again.net/aidtests.htm
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Can Be Avoided! http://www.healthy-again.net/sids.htm
What's Wrong With Dricore: http://www.healthy-again.net/homeqa/dricore.htm
Reliable Concrete Cutting Massachusetts:
Looting Social Security -
How Reagan and Greenspan Stole the Trust Fund: http://www.thebiglie.net
How to Buy
Siliver and Gold - An Economic and Health Survival Guide - Navigating Through
Economic Turmoil: http://www.healthy-again.net/community-alert/survivalguides.htm
Bauman Remodeling of Dedham,
a review:
Stop Spam - Subscribe to SpamCop - http://www.spamcop.net
Reduce The Burden of the HIV and AIDS
diagnosis - http://www.reducetheburden.org
Quitting AIDS drugs
is hard to do - http://www.healthy-again.net/quittingaidsdrugs.htm
Danger - Never Get An HIV Test - Ever! http://www.healthy-again.net/aidstests.htm
What Is AIDS? http://www.healthy-again.net/aids.htm
Conventional Medicine Does Not Provide Answers - http://www.healthy-again.net/conventionalmedicine.htm
Healthy-Again Computers - Buying And
Maintaining Computer Equipment
Why My HP Printer Stopped Working -
HP's Business Model
How To Avoid The HP "Firmware Update"
HP Printer Firmware
Downgrade Links