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Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, and other Chronic Illness |
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Jonathan Campbell |
Helping people take charge of their health |
The "Genetic
Engineered" foods controversy At the heart of the controversy about "genetic engineered" foods controversy is the concept of the patenting and ownership of life processes. The first such patent was granted to General Electric Company in 1971 for what the "inventor," Anand Mohan Chakravarty, described as "I simply shuffled genes, changing bacteria that already existed." Thus began the rush by U.S. corporations to understand, and, ultimately, to patent and claim ownership of existent and modified life forms. In her recent book Biopiracy - The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge Dr. Vandana Shiva convincingly traces the roots of this ideology - that all life processes can and should be patented, owned, and commercialized - to the European invasion of the Americas:
In the 1970s, when the dangers of genetic engineering were first discussed by the Cambridge, Massachusetts organization Science For the People, the discussion centered around whether the highest level of biological protection - a so-called "P5" laboratory - would be sufficient to prevent contamination of the biosphere with mutated life forms. The emerging bio-technology industry responded that their laboratories were certainly sufficient to prevent such release and biosphere contamination. Today the massive introduction of bio-engineered life forms into the biosphere is considered a goal of the bio-technology industry. Millions of acres of genetically-engineered soybeans, corn, potatoes, rapeseed, and cotton are being cultivated, with modified genes in their pollen, which in some well-documented cases have spread to neighboring fields and cross-pollinated with non-modified species. Animals with altered metabolic processes now exist and are reproducing on farms. It is clear now that the focus of the bio-technology industry is precisely what is described by Dr. Shiva above, and profit and control, rather than scientific discovery and health, are their goals. We must resist this technology and attempt to reverse the damage that it has done already to the biosphere. |
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124 Metropolitan Ave.
Roslindale, MA 02131-4208
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