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Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, and other Chronic Illness |
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Jonathan Campbell |
Helping people take charge of their health |
(The following is reprinted from a flyer written by the
Nuclear Information and Resource Service) The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997, written by the nuclear power industry, is about to pass in the US Congress unless WE: STOP MOBILE CHERNOBYL The MOBILE CHERNOBYL bill is the nuclear industry's version of the S & L bail out: how to dump the liability for their nuclear waste on the US taxpayers and the waste itself on Native American Lands. This re-write of our nuclear waste laws would literally put up a parking lot on Western Shoshone Lands in Nevada at Yucca Mountain, and start shipping high-level nuclear waste in the largest shipping campaign in nuclear history. There is no justification for this, other than greed.
Moving nuclear waste from the reactors to a "temporary" parking lot at Yucca Mountain in one of the most seismically active areas of the country - the same USGS rating as the SF Bay Area - is unnecessary and doing it in a hurry with no prep is dangerous. We know that Yucca Mountain will leak, but HR 1270 would move the waste there anyway. The truth is that we do not yet have a long-term answer for how to isolate nuclear waste from the environinent. For the time being we must store it responsibly and ensure that it does not leak. What the nuclear utilities want is to keep making more of this lethal garbage and dump it in taxpayer laps, and our highways and rails while they walk away from any flirther responsibility for finding a long term prograin that will work. President Clinton has promised to veto Mobile Chemobyl repeatedly in writing, saying that we should wait to have a decision on a permanent site before we move the waste. Now we need Congress to back hiin up. The US Senate passed the bill last spring. THIS BILL GOES TO THE HOUSE FLOOR IN LATE OCTOBER. Call the U.S. House 202-225-3121 and say: VOTE NO ON HR 1270, Stop Mobile Chernobyl NOW! For more Information: Nuclear Information and Resource Service (202)328-0002 1424 16th St NW Suite 404 Washington, DC 20036 http://wwv.nirs.org |
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Campbell of Massachusetts, as of June 1, 2010
Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health and Recovery
124 Metropolitan Ave.
Roslindale, MA 02131-4208
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