Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Helping people take charge of their health |
Strategies for Mental Disorders Mental Illness affects tens of millions of people in the US and hundreds of millions of people worldwide. The stresses of work, family, society, and just plain surviving take their toll; personal trauma can lead our lives to spin out of control. Many turn to pharmaceutical medications that can have serious side effects. Medical researchers have found vast differences in the prevalence of mental disorders in various societies around the world, even when comparing stressful modern industrial societies. What's the difference? Their conclusion has been that the dietary habits and physical environments of western societies leave us deficient in certain essential nutrients and exposed to chemicals that are toxic to brain cells. Relating it back to brain physiology, these deficiencies and toxic chemicals can lead to unhealthy changes in neurotransmission, making it more difficult for us to deal with stresses of everyday life, let alone more profound problems. The result: depression, anxiety, and more serious disorders. The answer is not more drugs. It is a comprehensive program to restore proper nutrient balance and provide detoxification. Recent research shows that even schizophrenia, the most profound and mysterious of psychotic illnesses, is caused by a genetically-induced nutrient deficiency that can be alleviated through nutrition. Click here to read my report on this research. Natural Strategies for Mental Disorders provides a nutritional supplementation and detoxification program that provides the basis for restoring brain health, natural therapy strategies for the major mental disorders, and discussion of complementary therapies. To order Natural Strategies for Mental disorders online click here. |
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