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Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, and other Chronic Illness |
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Helping people take charge of their health |
A Cure For AIDS? That is what appears to be the focus of an uncommon book - written over ten years ago, and ignored by the worlds medical establishment - and the more recent groundbreaking research by Dr. Matthias Rath. In The AIDS Fighters Dr. Ian Brighthope documents how in case after case of people with AIDS, treated at his clinic in Australia, survive AIDS and go on to lead normal lives. Dr. Brighthope uses immune system enhancing nutrients such as vitamin C (in absolutely massive doses) and zinc to help the AIDS patients body fight off the disease and become healthy. Dr. Brighthopes well-documented practice and his claim that not a single AIDS patient who had maintained the regimen had died should have sent shock waves through the worlds AIDS research and medical communities. But instead they have ignored him, searching instead for complex and expensive "silver bullet" drugs such as AZT that focus on destroying HIV (meanwhile killing the patient) rather than rebuilding the patients immune system to control and conquer the disease. Dr. Brighthopes regimen involves increasing the oral dose of Vitamin C to "body tolerance" dosage to the point of diarrhea upwards of 30 grams per day, in addition to intravenous Vitamin C in much larger doses, depending on the level of immune suppression of the patient (50-150 grams per day). He has found no toxic dose. In 1991, Dr. Matthias Rath discovered that AIDS - like cancer - progresses by destroying collagen, and therefore that therapeutic amounts of the primary collagen-building compounds - lysine and vitamin C - were also enzyme blocks that could stop the progression of AIDS and similar acute and chronic illnesses. But the pharmaceutical industry, rather than embracing this new information and making this information available to doctors, chose to synthesize expensive, patentable protease inhibitors. These drugs cost upwards of $5000 per patient per year. The supplement regimen costs one-tenth of that. The reaction of the medical community silence and marginalization to these simple, cheap regimens is in keeping with the prevailing attitude toward "alternative" cancer and heart disease cures and preventives, and is indicative of the systemic connections between the medical profession and the drug companies. The worldwide AIDS epidemic could be stopped if this information were widespread and the pharmaceutical industry was willing to sell the supplements at cost. For more information about AIDS, see this article: http://www.healthy-again.net/aids.htm. If you or a loved one or friend are afflicted with AIDS or are HIV-positive, and would like a health consultant to pursue a natural remedy, please click here. |
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Campbell of Massachusetts, as of June 1, 2010
Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health and Recovery
124 Metropolitan Ave.
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