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and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
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Like These, Who Needs Disease? That is the title of Chapter 9 of Dr. Peter Duesbergs ground-breaking book, Inventing the AIDS Virus. By the time you have read the chapter, you will have become darkly suspicious of the medical research establishment of this country if you werent already. What Dr. Duesberg does in those 60 or so pages is nothing less than monumental:
What Dr. Duesberg has done is to turn current AIDS research which has come no closer to finding a cure or prevention of AIDS than when it started in the early 80s totally on its head. Having already shown, in previous chapters, that it is impossible for HIV to be the cause of AIDS, he shows that AZT is a cruel and destructive hoax. Not only can AZT not cure AIDS because HIV is not its cause, but it cannot even kill HIV without also killing the patient. AZT is a cytotoxic chemical, a "DNA chain terminator." It interferes with DNA replication, by substituting itself for thymine, one of the base components in the DNA chain. This, theoretically, interferes with the reproduction of HIV. But it also interferes with the reproduction of the T-cell, the basis of the immune system, and the T-cell dies. The doctors who tested AZT for its effectiveness against HIV claimed they found that AZT was one thousand times as toxic to HIV reproduction as it was to the T-cells that were involved in that reproduction. The fact that this made no chemical or biological sense did not dissuade them from reporting this fantastic result, and no one at the time bothered to reproduce the experiment. (When this was finally done, long after AZT had been consumed for extended periods by hundreds of thousands of people, the thousand-to-one toxicity ratio vanished. It was found equally toxic to HIV reproduction and to reproduction of its host T-cell, as well as to reproduction of normal T-cells.) The Phase II trials were supposed to be controlled, double-blinded studies to determine whether AZT helped people who had AIDS. Neither the subjects nor the researchers were supposed to know who was taking what, but the confidentiality of the prescriptions (AZT or placebo) were undermined by AZTs extreme toxicity (it was obvious who was taking it, because they got very sick) and compromised by poor initial experimental design (even the tablets tasted differently, and it was apparently obvious who was taking AZT and who was not). Many patients in the placebo group submitted their pills to labs to find out if they were AZT and, if not, would arrange to get AZT. Ultimately, the trials were abruptly ended, all patients were given AZT, and their overall death rate was not significantly different than the original placebo group (the group that supposedly got no AZT). But for some time it appeared that some symptoms of AIDS had been reduced: AZT was so toxic that it killed any bacteria in its path, so it appeared to kill opportunistic infections, the main cause of death among AIDS patients. AZT was quickly approved, one of the few drugs given such quick approval. No one waited to find out that AZT kills the immune system so that opportunistic infections take over permanently. Questions over the trial results on the FDA committee were overcome by political clout of Burroughs Wellcome through its supporters and cheerleaders. Finally, in 1995, the "father" of AZT prophylaxis, Paul Volberding, wrote : "Zidovudine [AZT]...does not significantly prolong either AIDS-free or overall survival." This should have been the death knell for AZT, but its apologists and promoters have continued to promote it, to this day. |
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