Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health and Recovery Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, and other Chronic Illness |
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Helping people take charge of their health |
Probable Treatment/Cure for Long Covid The Glutathione Connection "Long Covid" is the medical term used for this syndrome of long term covid symptoms - severe fatigue, poor immunity, balance problems, "brain fog," and many others, that persist long after the initial covid-19 infection. It is extremely debilitating. Doctors and medical researchers have been literally stumped as to any treatment or cure for this syndrome, which can last from several weeks to as long as a year or more. This author (Jonathan Campbell) and his wife suffered from this syndrome for more than a year. Then, as a result of an inspiration about covid-19 mitigation in its early stages - using large-dose oral glutathione to stop its acute and deadly effects - Campbell surmised that perhaps long covid was also caused by long term glutathione deficiency: that either covid-19 itself, or its vaccines, continue to deplete glutathione or interfere with its synthesis. A personal experiment was in order: Campbell used the same dosage that was used in the initial successful experiments that mitigated acute covid-19 - two doses of 4200 mg of glutathione (in this instance, 6 capsules of commercial oral Liposomal Glutathione 700mg available online) per day. The results were astonishing: within four days, most long covid symptoms were mitigated. Several friends of Campbell, two in Austria and one in Florida, who also suffered from long covid, were notified, and they performed the same experiment, with similar results - many or most symptoms mitigated. It is unknown at this time whether these high doses are needed for extended periods, or whether the amounts can be tapered off. The effective treatment, however, is now known, and the many millions of people now suffering from long covid can now get their lives back. If you are suffering from Long Covid, please try the regimen. Glutathione is completely non-toxic in any dosage. If you have family or friends who have Long Covid, please forward the article link to them. |
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