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Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, and other Chronic Illness |
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
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A Natural Healing
and Optimum Health Bookshelf There are literally thousands of books on mental and physical health, diet, and exercise. Where should you look? Which ones should you read? Some have good information, and some may literally kill you if you follow their advice. These are books that this author recommends because they focus on natural healing and tend toward obviously healthy (often vegetarian) diets, and recommend use of vitamins and minerals to prevent disease. Four of them stand out because they are, in their own way, pioneering accomplishments. 1. Cancer and Vitamin C by Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling Many people know about Pauling's work on promoting large doses of Vitamin C to prevent colds. Few, however, are familiar with his continuing work on this vitamin, in which he shows that it can prevent, slow, and, in some circumstances, even reverse the ravages of cancer. This work is of broader interest because it also shows that long-term very high doses of Vitamin C (10-20 grams per day) are healthful for everyone to prevent cancer and maintain optimum overall health. 2. Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease This book's title does it injustice. It is, in fact, a book for everyone for maintaining and improving health, from its promotion of a strict non-dairy vegetarian diet and excellent exercise regimen, to discussing the mind-body connection and finding ways to reduce stress. 3. 8 Weeks to Optimum Health by Andrew Weil, M.D. This book is an excellent approach to improving health, also stressing the mind-body connection. Our only reservation is that Dr. Weil suggests eating a fairly large amount of fish. We at CQS believe that fish consumption should be avoided entirely, because of dioxin, PCB, and mercury contamination. 4. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno - Lives up to its name, truly an encyclopedic reference, 622 pages of closely-spaced type, written by two of the foremost Natural Medicine practitioners. All the major diseases, vitamins, minerals, herbs, spices, and diet and exercise regimens are covered in detail. Over 2000 references. One of the best sources of information on natural remedies available, at a very reasonable price ($20 for the paperback edition). The Rest of the Bookshelf The Arthritis Cure by Jason Theodosakis, Brenda Adderly, and Barry Fox - How two over-the-counter nutritional supplements can "halt, reverse, and may even cure osteoarthritis." An excellent, easy-to-read book that explains arthritis and why these supplements work. Brain Longevity by Dharma Singh Khalsa - Nutritional and vitamin/mineral therapies and regimens for maintaining and improving brain function, and stopping the ravages of aging on memory. Fighting Radiation with Foods, Herbs, and Vitamins by Steven R. Schecter - Documents the assault on our bodies by man-made and natural radioactive materials, and the foods and supplements we can take to minimize the destruction and cancer that radiation can cause. Miracle Cures by Jean Carper - New scientific research about some amazing natural remedies, many of them little-known. Definitely a must read. Power Foods by Stephanie Beling - Selecting and using the foods that have the highest amounts of health-enhancing and disease-preventing "phytochemicals." Complete with 140 recipes. Stop Aging Now! by Jean Carper - Vitamins and minerals to stop the destructive aspects of the aging process. Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil - A good introduction to the body's ability to heal itself. Toxic Metal Syndrome by H. Richard Casdorph and Morton Walker - An astounding book that reveals the relationship between the metals we all unwittingly eat and otherwise ingest, the specific mental diseases and afflictions they cause, and the steps we need to take to prevent or reverse them. Background Books These books provide an understanding of the politics and technical details of the current environmental health crisis. Beyond Beef by Jeremy Rifkin - Confronts the "Cattle Culture" of the U.S. and Europe and traces its historical roots. This is an important book to read to overcome the notion that beef-eating is good because it is rooted in our history. It was always unhealthy. Diet for a New America by John Robbins - an excellent introduction to the many horrors of our meat-oriented diet, from fat to toxic chemicals to virulent germs, and the cruelty of "modern" livestock management. Dying From Dioxin by Lois Gibbs - An easy-to-read primer on the newest and most important threat to health facing us today. Living Downstream by Sandra Steingrabber - An excellent treatment of the toxic assault that we face each day in our air, water, and food. |
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