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Natural Non-Drug Cures - Therapies - Treatments - Remedies for Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, and other Chronic Illness |
Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. |
Helping people take charge of their health |
Natural Healing
vs. Drugs Most doctors in the U.S. and Europe today receive most or all of their medical information from the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, after diagnosing a problem, they will usually prescribe a remedy that usually takes the form of a prescription or over-the-counter drug. Whether it is acid stomach, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic fatigue, the drug companies have provided doctors with a veritable arsenal of remedies. More often than not, these remedies are only palliative - they are not truly cures or preventives. Their "treatment" mechanism often interferes with some essential hormonal or chemical system in our bodies. They maintain the illness but mask its symptoms. Many of these drugs can have extremely serious, and unexpected, side effects. The drug combination fen/phen, prescribed for over a million people in the U.S. for people who wanted to lose weight, appears to be a seriously toxic chemical combination, causing heart valve damage. There is some evidence that several of the powerful antacid preparations may cause impotence. phisoHex, the disinfectant that was once prescribed for simple acne (and still used by doctors and hospitals for cleaning) is contaminated with dioxin, the most toxic organic chemical known. Most serious illness is actually due to a combination of toxic assault and improper cellular nutrition: the cells in some critical organs have been subjected to toxic chemicals and/or have not been sufficiently nourished. Therapeutic-dose nutritional supplementation and simple change of diet are often effective for many afflictions. Yet doctors seldom prescribe them, because they are barraged with information from the pharmaceutical industry about new, expensive drugs. Supplements and a healthy diet accomplish their miracles by helping the body fight off illness, restore chemical balance, rid the body of toxic chemicals naturally, and strengthen bodily organs. |
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Campbell of Massachusetts, as of June 1, 2010
Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health and Recovery
124 Metropolitan Ave.
Roslindale, MA 02131-4208
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