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Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C.

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Protection, Treatment, and Recovery From Covid-19, Including Delta and Omicron

The Glutathione Connection


Covid-19 Delta is surging worldwide, and the Omicron variant has spread to many countries. They are many times as communicable as the original virus. The effects of Delta are more severe; it is not known yet whether Omicron's effects are more or less severe. And the vaccines are not as effective as originally thought. There are many more new cases per day than the highest peaks of 2020.

Covid-19 kills by depleting our most essential immune chemical, called glutathione. So it makes sense that this can be effectively prevented by supplementation of certain foods and supplements that build glutathione stores, and effectively treated by direct administration of glutathione, either orally or intravenously. Unfortunately our medical authorities have focused on vaccines. The glutathione alternative is not publicized or even mentioned, even though it was published in April and May 2020 in PubMed and the Library of Medicine. 

Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery

Here is what we can do to protect ourselves, each other, our families and friends, and our communities.

Double-masking is now recommended, with social distancing, regardless of vaccination status. Avoid close gatherings, especially where people do not wear masks. This is especially important for children.

Important Note: If you work in an occupation or socialize in an environment in which you cannot wear a mask and/or are exposed to people not wearing masks, in close proximity or intimacy, you should assume that you are or will be infected with covid-19 delta or omicron. Please follow the regimen suggested below, and double-mask when possible..

If you are vaccinated, this does not prevent you from getting infected by covid-19 delta or omicron. In most cases, it just lessens the effects of the illness (sometimes to no symptoms at all), but there have been many cases of "breakthrough" symptomatic infections of fully vaccinated people, and in any case you become a carrier of the virus which you could then spread to others. Please continue to wear a mask to prevent this, and please follow the regimen suggested below.

If you choose to be vaccinated, please note that the short and long term known adverse effects of the vaccines are the same as those for covid-19, which can be mitigated or eliminated by following the regimen suggested below.

If you are an employer, no matter where you are, please require your employees and your retail customers to wear masks.

Click here to proceed to the food and supplement list for prevention, treatment, and recovery.

I recommend that you also read the information below to fully understand this horrific disease.

Where did covid-19 come from?

Although the U.S. government still maintains that Covid-19 originally came from a colony of bats in China, it is now generally accepted that Covid-19 came from an accidental laboratory release (probably an infected employee) from the Wuhan biological laboratory.

A probable natural preventive and treatment for covid-19 was published last year.

For many months, no one in our health agencies has said anything about how we might protect ourselves against covid-19, except to vaccinate, isolate, wear masks, social distance, etc. Nothing about our protecting ourselves by improving our immunity.

But they knew about a probable treatment for covid-19 in April 2020 and understood the mechanism and cause of its deadly effects ("dyspnea" - difficulty breathing) in May 2020.

Why didn't they follow up and tell us - and the rest of the world - about it? Perhaps it was not on their radar: it isn't a vaccine or patentable drug.

On April 21, 2020 three doctors reported (in PubMed) 2 cases of covid-19 with difficulty breathing. They were given a small amount of intravenous or sublingual glutathione. Their symptoms improved in ONE HOUR and continued to improve with subsequent doses of glutathione.

On May 28, 2020 an article was published in the National Library of Medicine that confirmed that glutathione deficiency/depletion was the primary cause of death for covid-19 patients.

Why were there not large studies done? Why was this not published to doctors here and abroad? Why is this information not discussed and published by our medical leaders? Why is this not in the hands of ordinary people, who fear for themselves and their loved ones?

People could be taking glutathione precursors to prevent serious disease onset. Doctors could easily provide glutathione to prevent death. Millions of lives could have been saved.

Whatever their reason, you can obtain some simple supplements to prevent the deadly effects of covid-19, including the Delta and Omicron variants.

The mechanism and cause of death of covid-19

The following may be a little complex without medical knowledge, so I'll explain.

The central chemical that protects us all from infection and toxicity is called glutathione. If you don't have enough glutathione, a virus like covid-19 can make you very sick or kill you.

The simple answer: covid-19 rapidly depletes glutathione.

And here is how covid-19 kills: without enough glutathione, your body goes into an "emergency" state, producing "help me" messages called "cytokines.". Those messages, coming from your lungs, then start the generation of mucous. It continues to build up until you can't breath. You drown in your own mucous.

People who are already sick, or malnourished, or have a chronic illness such as heart disease or diabetes or asthma, or they are old, have less glutathione than young, healthy people. Healthy children have the most, which explains why they typically don't get sick at all or have very mild symptoms.

Your body makes glutathione, but it needs other nutrients to make it, called "precursors." It can also be given to you intravenously (into a vein) by a doctor or by mouth (sublingually) which you can buy online..

Regimen for protection, treatment, and recovery
Click here for this information with recommended supplement product links

You can refer back to this article for re-ordering; I will keep it up to date as new information about Covid-19 is released.


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Healthy-Again, Your Path To Health and Recovery
124 Metropolitan Ave.
Roslindale, MA 02131-4208

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